
  • We aim to become one of the leading Engineering Consulting firm and EPC company in Bangladesh; adhering to international standards of professionalism while adopting local norms and values.
  • Develop long-term relationship with our clients and partners, maintain cooperation based on professionalism and loyalty.
  • Develop value-based improvement of our employees, emphasize on continuous development, technology integration and managerial skills development.
  • We believe in the principles of sustainable development with respect to global initiatives and agendas. We shall always maintain a strong motto for the betterment of the country and people. We believe in optimum service and workmanship where we can create difference to pursue highest standards in the industry.


  • ECBL thrives to maintain its position as one of the industry leaders; maintain its position as value driven organization, comprising quality leadership, adequate work-life balance and ethical practices.
  • To participate in all development aspects, value role of engineers and consultants in climate change initiatives, follow vision 2041 goals.
  • As a part of social and corporate responsibility, to commit to environmental responsibility. Advocate such issues to our partners, because we believe in using resources efficiently from both social and engineering lenses.
  • To become internationally recognized as Technical & Management experts and Innovators.