Bridges and Culverts Construction Project
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
October 1989 to November 1993 Bridges and Culverts Construction Project under USAID FFW Structure Programme FY 1988-90 Directorate of Relief and Rehabilitation
Brief Description
Physical survey and data collection, data analysis, compilation and computation, topographic survey, sub-soil investigation, preparation of structural and foundation design & drawings, preparation of cost estimate, bill of quantities, tender document, pre-qualification of contractors, invitation of bids, evaluation of bids, selection of bidders, certification of contractor’s bill, supervision, monitoring of project, project management, quality control, progress reporting.
Waterways around Dhaka City under Dhaka Urban Transportation
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
February 1998 to August 1998 Circular Waterways around Dhaka City under Dhaka Urban Transportation Studies funded by World Bank. World Bank
Brief Description
Physical survey and data collection, data analysis, compilation and computation, topographic survey, study on present transportation system with development strategy, modelling, suggestions, recommendations and etc.
Data Collection & Analysis for Rangpur Town
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
July 1985 to January 1999 Master Plan, Mapping, Data Collection & Analysis for Rangpur Town (Municipality) (National Physical Planning Project BGD/81/005) Urban Development Directorate
Brief Description
Project was a sub contract for project BGD/81/005.National Physical Planning Project/ UNCHS for preparation of Master Plan for development of Rangpur Town project including map collection, updating of maps, drawing new maps, physical survey, contour survey, land-use map preparation and plotting all facilities. Collection of data physical, social, economic, agricultural, transportation, computation & analysis of data, for casting of data & submission of reports of total area of 16 sq. miles of Rangpur Town/Municipality. Preparation of all maps of existing Rangpur Municipal area, updating and planning the Town Area, forecasting upto year 2000. Preparation of Master Plan incorporating all infrastructural components which includes roads, culverts, sewerage system, water supply system, electrical distribution system, market, etc.
Flour and Feed Mills (Unit No – 1) and Silo Project
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
November 2000 to May 2001 BMRE of Government Flour and Feed Mills (Unit No – 1) and Silo Project Project Director, BMRE of Government Flour and Feed Mills
Brief Description
Consultancy Services for BMRE of Government Flour and Feed Mills (Unit No – 1) and Silo Project. Site analysis, Topographical Survey, Preparation of Master Plan, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment, Engineering Design Drawing, Electro-Mechanical Design & Drawing, Preparation of Tender Document, Full Time Supervision & Over all project management, monitoring & reporting etc. After award of consultancy services we have completed all the site investigation & Pre-Tender activities like Site analysis, Topographical Survey, Preparation of Master Plan, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment, Engineering Design Drawing, Electro-Mechanical Design & Drawing completed in all respect. Ultimately the project was suspended after completion of design phase.
Bangladesh Open University Complex
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
November 1993 to August 2002 Bangladesh Open University Complex, ADB Financed. Bangladesh Open University Authority
Brief Description
Preparation of Master plan, survey, sub-soil investigation, detail architectural, electrical, mechanical design, fire fighting system, central air-condition design for media center, preparation of tender document, full time supervision, project management, monitoring, preparation of post asset valuation (detail inventory) report and maintenance inspection.
Design and Construction Supervision of Khulna-Jessore Drainage Rehabilitation Project
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
July 1995 to December 2002 Consulting services to carry out detailed engineering design and construction supervision of Khulna-Jessore drainage rehabilitation project (ADB Loan No. 1289 BAN-SF) Local Government Engineering Department
Brief Description
The principal objective of the Project is poverty reduction through increased agricultural production in the Project Area. The increased agricultural production will be achieved by (i) Mobilizing beneficiary participation for Project design and implementation and for subsequent operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Project facilities (ii) rehabilitating the existing drainage infrastructure to reduce drainage congestion and to project the Project Area from tidal and seasonal flooding (iii) providing support for the expansion of agricultural extension services that will be necessary as flooded lands are returned to agricultural, productivity and (iv) improving management of fisheries in polder areas to ensure a continuing supply of black fish species.
Master Plan for Bogra Pourashava
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
December 1995 to August 2002 Preparation of Master Plan for Bogra Pourashava (Municipality). Local Government Engg. Bureau, Lalmatia, Dhaka
Brief Description
The project is located in the north eastern district i.e. Bogra of Bangladesh The objective of the project is to determine the hierarchy of settlements within the Municipal Area, based on population, economic activity, social infrastructure provision, transport links. Also provide locational & special guidelines for the orderly development in respect of housing, administration, roads, utility, community activity, commercial and industrial undertakings.
Nagar Bhaban (Dhaka South City Corporation)
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
March 1989 to June 2002 Nagar Bhaban, 20-storied Head Office Building with one basement floor of Dhaka South City Corporation, GOB Financed Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)
Brief Description
20 storied Head Office building with one basement floor (200 Nos. Car Parking) in classical Architectural design. Total site 7 acres. Floor area 4,83,000 sft. Pile foundation 80′ long pile. Frame structure, partially air conditioned. Electrical distribution sub station with generator, underground parking. The total floor area of the building is 1000000 sft.
Master Plan Land use Plan of Thana/Pourashava
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
March 1992 to January 2003 Feasibility Study and Preparation of Master Plan Land use Plan of Thana/Pourashava (Urban Infrastructure Development Project) Urban Development Directorate Segunbagicha, Dhaka
Brief Description
The project is located in the north eastern district i.e. Pabna & Serajganj of Bangladesh. The objective of the project is determination of the hierarchy of settlements within the thana, based on population, economic activity, social infrastructure provision, transport links. Also provide locational and special guidelines for the orderly development in respect of housing, administration, roads, bridges, culverts, utility facilities, community activity, commercial and industrial undertakings.
Master Plan Mapping, Data Collection & Analysis for Dinajpur
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
July 1992 to January 2003 Master Plan Mapping, Data Collection & Analysis for Dinajpur Town (Municipal) (Urban Infrastructure Development Project). Urban Development Directorate
Brief Description
Social and economic survey, sector studies Housing, Industry & Commerce, social services, transportation, water, sewerage & drainage, roads, energy, data for Development Programme, Economic structure of Town, physical survey, mapping, literature survey, agency interview, field interview, questionnaire survey, data collection, computation, analysis, forecasting upto year 2000. Map tracing, plotting, planning.
LGED Headquarters Building
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
March 1993 to December 2003 15-storied LGED Headquarters Building with one basement floor, IDA Financed. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Brief Description
Site analysis, topographic survey, sub soil investigation, preparation of master plan, architectural design, structural design, plumbing & sanitary design, landscaping, roads and pavement design, electrical, mechanical design, central air-conditioning, lifting & fire-fighting design. Preparation of BOQ, cost estimate, specification, Tender Documents. Full time construction supervision involving interpretation of drawings, approving samples, control quantity, project management & monitoring, etc.
Community Hospital Building of Family Planning Association
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
August 1999 to December 2003 20 storied Community Hospital Building of Family Planning Association of Bangladesh. Family Planning Association of Bangladesh
Brief Description
Site analysis, topographic survey, sub soil investigation, preparation of master plan, architectural, structural, plumbing & sanitary design, electrical, electro-mechanical design, landscape design, preparation of cost estimate, bill of materials and tender document, etc.
Regional Resource Center of Bangladesh Open University
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
November 1994 to November 2003 10-storied Regional Resource Centre of Bangladesh Open University, ADB Financed. Bangladesh Open University Authority
Brief Description
Preparation of Master plan, survey, sub-soil investigation, detail architectural, electrical, mechanical design, fire fighting system, central air-condition design for media center, preparation of tender document, full time supervision, project management, monitoring, preparation of post asset valuation (detail inventory) report and maintenance inspection.
Bangladesh Gas Field Co. Ltd. Head Office building
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
January 2002 to December 2004 Head Office Complex of Bangladesh Gas Field Co. Ltd. including Head Office building, officers’ Quarter, Staff Quarter, VIP Rest House and External Services. Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited
Brief Description
Site analysis, topographic survey, sub soil investigation, preparation of master plan, architectural, structural, plumbing & sanitary design, electrical, mechanical design, landscape design, preparation of cost estimate, pre-qualification of contractors, bill of materials and tender document and bid evaluation. Full time construction supervision including checking of layout of buildings, quality control. Interpretation of drawings, project monitoring, etc.
Headquarters Complex for Directorate of Non-formal Education
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
January 2001 to January 2004 10-storied Headquarters Complex for Directorate of Non-formal Education, ADB Funded. Primary and Mass Education Directorate (PMED) Lalmatia, Dhaka
Brief Description
Site analysis, topographic survey, sub-soil investigation, preparation of master plan, architectural design, structural design, plumbing & sanitary design, roads & pavement design, electrical & electro-mechanical design, air-conditioning, lift, fire-fighting design. Preparation of BOQ, cost estimate, specification and tender documents. Monitoring, evaluation and supervision involving interpretation of drawings, approving samples, control quantity & quality of the works.
Aquaculture Development Project (LGED Component)
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
November 2000 to June 2004 Construction of 20-storied Office cum Commercial Complex with two basement floor At 46-47 Jonson Road under Dhaka Zilla Parishad. Local Government Engineering Department
Brief Description
Topographic survey by GPS & total station, sub-soil investigation, land development, land use planning, preparation of maps by using GIS, planning & design, preparation of BOQ, cost estimate, specifications, tender documents, supervision, evaluation of bid, interpretation of drawings, project monitoring & quality control of Aquaculture infrastructure components such as FRB & rural roads, bridges / culverts, drainage, water bodies (lakes), upgrading of growth centres, construction of UP Building, fish landing platforms, water retaining structures, re-excavation of large water bodies, ponds. Impact study on fisheries & water management.
Shahab Uddin Medical College & Hospital
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
July 1999 to June 2004 Shahab Uddin Medical College & Hospital. Shahab Uddin Medical College & Hospital Authority
Brief Description
Construction of (1) 10 Storied with one basement college building (80 MBBS students per year) & (2) 11 Storied with one basement 425 bedded hospital building. Including Internal Sanitary, Water Supply, Internal Electrification, Elevator, Fire protection & detection system, Service connection, 2000 KVA Sub-station & Generator, Central Air Conditioning, CCTV, P.A. System, Acoustic work, Pump, Reservoir, Water connection, Building management system, Rain water harvesting and External works including Earth filling for site development & boundary wall works.
Career Women’s Hostel
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
May 2001 to June 2004 12 storied Career Women’s Hostel, Dhaka, GOB Financed. Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh
Brief Description
Site analysis, preparation of master plan, soil investigation, architectural, structural, electro-mechanical works comprising ventilation system, fire detection & fire fighting design, internal & external lighting, drawing, preparation of BOQ, cost estimate, specification, tender document, evaluation of tender, construction supervision including approving all samples, monitoring progress & and quality, certifying bills.
8-storied Bangladesh Bank Building at Rangpur
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
September 1994 to March 2007 Construction of 8-storied Bangladesh Bank Building at Rangpur, GOB Funded. Bangladesh Bank
Brief Description
The project consists of 8-storied bank building having 15-storied foundation with Vault. This includes design and supervision of institutional, office and residential buildings, internal roads, electrification, water supply & sewerage system. The work also includes topographic survey and sub-soil investigation of the entire area. The total area of the building is 2,10,000 sft
Establishment of Jagannath University Project
Duration Assignment Name
Name of the Employer
June 2006 to May 2008 Establishment of Jagannath University Project (EJUP) at Dhaka. Jagannath University Authority
Brief Description
Construction of 20 storied building with one basement floor (125 Nos. Car Parking) of academic & administrative building including Internal Sanitary, Water Supply, Internal Electrification, Elevator, Fire protection & detection system, Service connection, 2000 KVA Sub-station & Generator, Central Air Conditioning, CCTV, P.A. System, Acoustic work for multipurpose auditorium. Construction of utility service building, dormitory building and maintenance & upgradation of extension building, Pump, Reservoir, Water connection, Building management system, Rain water harvesting and External works including Earth filling for site development, Toe & boundary wall, Road pavement, Culvert & canal training, Landscaping, Sculpture & External electrification works. The total floor area of the building is 569000 sft.